Ashton Armoury Museum volunteers doing what they do best –  promoting the museum and having fun at various  Vancouver Island events.

Photos courtesy of museum volunteers or others as indicated






St Joseph’s Middle School Annual Visit, November 6



BC Aviation Museum Open House, Sidney BC, August 17 -18














Annual Peacekeeper Commemoration Parade, Esquimalt BC, August 9




Canada Day Parade, Sidney BC, July 1



Canadian Iaido Association (Victoria) Museum Tour





D-Day 80 Commemorative Event Bay Street Armoury





Fort Mcaulay Interpretive Event






Victoria Day Parade

















Old English Car Club Visit








Remembrance Day Celebration

AAM display supporting Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund



Saanich Remembrance event







St Josephs School Annual Visit



Presentation of Donations and Remembrance Letters

Experiencing what a soldier today carries









Bay Street Armoury Open House

5 Fd (BC) Regt floor display

AAM & GVMM & HS display










Defence on the Dock (Ogden Point)







UN Peacekeepers Parade and Remembrance Ceremony









Fort Macaulay Interpretive Day








Victoria Day Parade









1705 BCD Army Cadets Tour









Victoria Camera Club Visit & Tour











CHEK TV Pre-Remembrance Day Tribute















BC Aviation Museum Open House



Peacekeeper Parade and Remembrance Service






HMCS Malahat Orientation Tour




11 Field Ambulance Orientation Tour



UN Peacekeeping Veterans Ceremony Victoria Cenotaph. Photos courtesy of John’s Photography (John Penner)






Military Police Charity Motorcycle Ride for Blind Children









Be A Local Tourist 

Dick Reynolds registers museum visitors

Visitor’s first view of vintage vehicles display


Chris Preston introduces visitors to the Ferret

Having fun is what it’s all about as the smiles indicate


Sea Cadet display was a hit with the kids

39 Svc Bn recruiters represented Ashton units.








St Joseph’s Elementary School Visit

St Joseph’s students reciting the poem In Flanders Fields as a token of appreciation for their museum volunteer guides.



Defence on the Dock










Peacekeepers Parade and Memorial Service







BC Aviation Museum Open House















Greater Victoria Military Museums “Road to Victory: D-Day and the Normandy Campaign






Bay Street Armoury Books Plus Sale





Ashton Armoury Annual Vimy Dinner

St Margaret’s School Visit








Be A Tourist in Your Own Town












Nanaimo Cougar’s Military Appreciation Night


Saanich Remembrance Day Ceremony

100 Years Remembered: Commemorating Victoria’s Military Heritage

with vehicles . . . .


. . . . and a historical display



Water Gun Wars Fort Rodd Hill 


Peacekeekers Parade BC Legislature







BC Aviation Museum Open House North Saanich

AAM and Western Command CMPs on display side by side

Commemorating the WWI Armastice and promoting the museum

Canada Day Parade Sidney BC














Father’s Day British Car Show Beacon Hill Park














Muskets to Machine Guns: The Evolution of Military Fire Arms


AAM Weapons Collection Co-Curators, Colin Wyatt and Peter Laursen, prepare for the workshop.

Peter Laursen explains a rifles workings





Fort MacAuley Interpretive Event



2018 and 1918 Highlanders

Visitors examine WWI artifacts


VERMA reenactors and AAM authentic


Island Farms Victoria Day Parade












Ashton Armoury Commemorative Vimy Field Dinner

WWI Armastice 100

A Matter of Honour



Victoria Family History Conference




CFB Esquimalt Family Fun Day







Extended Hours Saturday Presentation – Vintage Military Vehicles: On the Road Again




Canada Day 150 Parade Sidney BC





Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum “Christmas in July” Open House




Fort Macaulay Canada 150 Event






Victoria Day Parade



Ashton Armoury Field Dinner Commemorating Vimy 100








Bay Street Armoury Vimy 100 Open House







Be a Tourist in Your Own Town February 23 – 26

Museum ready to receive visitors

We’re ready so “open the doors”





Wounded Warrior 2017 Media Launch Patterson Subaru January 31, 2017












Military Collectibles and Memorabilia Show & Sale, October 21 – 22


Gary Tory’s  Celebration of Life, October 1

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Visit by BGen Simon Hetherington, Commander 3 Canadian Division, September 23

BGen Simon Hetherington, 3 Canadian Division Commander chats with 11 Svc Coy and Museum staff during his October 23rd visit to the LGen E..C. Ashton Armoury

BGen Simon Hetherington, 3 Canadian Division Commander chats with 11 Svc Coy and Museum staff during his October 23rd visit to the LGen E..C. Ashton Armoury

Museum Director Ted Leaker discusses a museum artefact with Div Comd.

Museum Director Ted Leaker discusses a museum artefact with Div Comd.





Div Comd being briefed by museum volunteer Colin Wyatt.

Div Comd being briefed by museum volunteer Colin Wyatt.





Canadian Peacekeeping Memorial Day Ceremony


The Legislature is secure

“I can assure you the Legislature grounds are safe and secure”

Everyone love soldiers and their vehicle.

Everyone love soldiers and their vehicle.





The AAM Peacekeepers L-R Dick, Bill, Doug, Chris & Mike

Chowing-down at the Beacon Drive-in and proving that an AAM Team performs better on a full stomach.

Chowing-down at the Beacon Drive-In and proving that the AAM Team performs better on a full stomach.



Shakespeare by the Sea

Supporting Vancouver Island Shakespeare Arts final innovative performance of

Supporting Vancouver Island Shakespeare Arts final innovative performance of “Othello” set in 1960s Cypress with the theme of peacekeeping as the backdrop for this classic story.

Othello 2








Museum Summer Cleaning

Ashton Armoury Museum Annual

Ashton Armoury Museum Annual “Shuffle n Sort” of uniforms, equipment and other artefacts to better identify what’s in the museum inventory. Thanks to all who lent their time and energy.


Canada Day Parade Sidney

Ferret's pre parade trip to Coop for a fill

Ferret’s pre parade trip to Coop for a fill

Museum convoy heading to/from parade

Museum convoy heading to/from parade







Saanich Heritage Acres Father’s Day Event

image12 image14               image11 image15



West Shore Navy Day Colwood

Colin Wyatt and Peter Laursen preparing the weapons display Colin Wyatt and Peter Laursen preparing the weapons display

Wayne & Nancy Dauphinee making final adjustment to uniform display

Wayne and Nancy Dauphinee making final adjustment to uniform display


Historical uniforms and weapons display

Historical uniforms and weapons display



11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance Freedom of the District of Saanich Parade


AAM Transport Section awaits arrival of 11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance

AAM Team awaits arrival of 11 (Victoria) Field Ambulance

Waiting for the parade

Ready to respond






Ronnie Toy and Dick Reynolds looking the part

Ronnie Tory and Dick Reynolds looking smart on parade

Getting ready for the 11 Fd Amb post parade

Getting ready for the 11 Fd Amb post parade “Family Photo”







Entire parade contingent with Saanich Mayor and Surgeon General

Entire parade contingent with Saanich Mayor and Surgeon General

AAM Historical Vehicle Team with Surgeon General, BGen Colin McKay

Post parade chat with Surgeon General, BGen Colin McKay








Tourist in Your Town Weekend

Ready to receive tourists and other visitors

Ready to receive tourists and other visitors

Always the fans favourite

Always a favourite




John Ducker checking out the Kit Shop display

John Ducker checking out the Kit Shop display

Door prize

Door prize










A Typical Day at the Museum

Ted Leaker and Dave Newton sort a newly donate badge collection

Ted Leaker and Dave Newton sort a recently acquired  badge collection

. . . while other sort newly received communications equipment.

. . . while other sort newly received communications equipment.









Remembrance Week at the British Columbia Legislature

BC Leg 3BC Leg 4   BC Leg 1

Remembrance Day Parade at the Saanich Municipal Hall

Saanich 1Saanich 2




Formation Fun Day 2015

Cars, Rods and Rides Esquimalt 2015

Formation Fun Day 2015 UN Jeep Heritage Acres Heritage Acres


Farret Maintenance

Ferret Maintenance

UN Jeep Team